Project partners
Association for Culture, Technology, Education and Development – Plovdiv University – Strandzha (AKTORPUS)
Association ACTORPUS is a newly-established organisation but its founding members are organisations with rich experiences and capacity in the implementation of activities similar to the ones envisaged in our proposed project. The subject of activity of the association includes: development and introduction of innovative educational models, technologies and programs for increasing the intelligent capacity and employment in the region; development of research and applied research projects for development of the region and assistance of the institutions in the field of education, culture and cultural heritage, social services, economy, ecology and tourism; development of interactive technologies and platforms; conducting theoretical and practical training courses, seminars, forums; preparation and publication of printed publications – magazines, books, manuals and brochures related to the activities of the association.
One of its founding members – Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski” – is the second largest university in Bulgaria. As a plus the University of Plovdiv has a very well developed and fully operating Technological center, which accommodates six fully equipped modern laboratories.
Lecturers and researchers from the Biology faculty and the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics are included in the scientific team of our project. The lecturers from the Biology faculty are famous scholars with research achievements in the areas of biodiversity and water, air and soils research. The lecturers and researchers from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics have expertise in the development of smart technologies, internet portals etc.
Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development
The Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development (DDNI) was established in 1970 and its main objective is conducting fundamental and applied research for scientific support of the management of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (DDBR) and other wetland areas of national and international interest, with particular focus on biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.
The relevance of DDNI’s research activities for local, regional, national and international environmental issues is sustained by the Danube Delta’s protection status and the international Conventions and Programmes adopted by Romania. The research activities of the Danube Delta National Institute are oriented towards achieving the management objectives of the largest protected area in Romania and Europe:
– assessment of the ecological status of natural heritage and the elaboration of biodiversity conservation measures;
– monitoring of the DDBR biodiversity and environmental factors;
– assessment of natural resources and the exploitation levels in accordance with the regeneration potential and carrying capacity of the ecosystems;
elaboration of hydrological scenarios in support of ecological restoration measures for improvement of the water circulation regime on the existing channels network;
– measures for the recovery of endangered species populations – fish, birds, reptiles, mammals;
– elaboration of technical solutions for the restoration of abandoned agricultural polders and fish ponds in order to increase the area of natural habitats of fish and bird species;
– modeling the basic processes of aquatic ecosystems;
-supporting studies for the harmonization of socio-economic interests with the concept of conservation of natural capital; -developing a Geographic Information System for the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.
Regional Environmental Center for Caucasus Armenia Branch Office
The Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus) is an independent, non-for-profit organisation, established to assist in solving environmental problems as well as development of the civic society in the countries of the South Caucasus. The mission of the REC Caucasus is determined as “to assist in solving environmental problems in the Caucasus region through the promotion of co-operation at national and regional level among NGOs, governments, business, local communities, and all other environmental stakeholders, in order to develop a free exchange of information, in line with the principles of the Aarhus Convention; offer assistance to all environmental NGOs and other stakeholders; and increase public participation in the decision-making process, thereby assisting the states of the Caucasus in the further development of a democratic civil society”.
The organisation together with active environmental NGOs and the ministries of environment promotes the idea of environmental protection and sustainable development in the South Caucasus countries, demonstrating examples and arguments of direct links between environmental degradation/ destruction and the growth of poverty, migration, and economic recession.
Society for Nature Conservation – SABUKO
SABUKO is a Society for Nature Conservation and Birdlife Partner in Georgia. Its main directions is conservation of species and their habitats. The mission of SABUKO is to promote the conservation of wildlife in Georgia and to increase the valuation of nature by the public and to encourage the sustainable use of natural resources. Its aim is to protect wild birds and their habitats, and to raise awareness about the value of nature and the importance of its protection. For preventing the conflict between human and nature, we have chosen a way of cooperation and work with local communities and other target groups, rather than confrontation, which is a most effective approach that delivers win-win situation in long-term outlook.
Last update: 20.07.2020