Five days training in Kolkheti National Park

In the month of September, SABUKO started the preparation process for 5 days training to be conducted within the ‘Joint Monitoring for Environmental Protection in BSB countries’ project for volunteers on the topic of biodiversity… Continue Reading…

Field trip to Dilijan National Park

EU BSB 884 Eco Monitoring project team in collaboration with RA Ministry of Environment and Dilijan National Park staff were working on skill building on sensor nodes for air and water pollution measurement this week.… Continue Reading…

Training on air quality measurement, monitoring and sensor monitoring

Today in Dilijan started a training on Air Quality Measurement, Monitoring and Sensor Monitoring was organized within the framework of the project BSB-884 “Joint Monitoring for Environmental Protection in BSB countries”. The aim of the… Continue Reading…

Meeting on Monitoring the spread of invasive species in Kolkheti National Park

SABUKO and all the rest partners of the project has been implementing a project since 2020 – Joint Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea Basin – to identify common threats to biodiversity in protected areas… Continue Reading…

Air and water monitoring systems have been installed in Kolkheti National Park

In the framework of the project – “Joint Monitoring for Environmental Protection in BSB countries” – Sabuko installed air and water monitoring systems in Kolkheti National Park. The project will create a smart platform for… Continue Reading…

Kolkheti National Park from now on is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Georgia has been working for several years to offer a UNESCO World Heritage Site   and   finally, Colchic   rainforests   and   Wetlands   were   nominated   for   the UNESCO   World   Heritage   in   2019.  The   site   proposed   by   Georgia   for  … Continue Reading…

The construction and repair works of the Cross-border Centre for joint environmental monitoring in BSB continue

The construction and repair works of the Cross-border Centre for joint environmental monitoring in BSB continue. The Centre will be located in the town of Ahtopol, in an existing building, which is owned by Plovdiv… Continue Reading…

Expert training organized by REC Caucasus Armenia

EU funded  project BSB-884 “Joint Monitoring for Environmental Protection in BSB countries”, The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia, Regional Environmental Center for Caucasus Armenia Branch Office and the Green Age Environmental NGO carried out… Continue Reading…

“How to deal efficiently with invasive species” training in Ahtopol, Bulgaria

“How to deal efficiently with invasive species” training was performed on 9th of June in Ahtopol, Bulgaria. The training was organized by AKTORPUS within the EU funded BSB 884 -Joint Monitoring for Environmental Protection in… Continue Reading…

Kick-off Press Conference on BSB ECO MONITORING Project in Romania

Kick-off press conference and workshop with representatives of the target groups, communities / stakeholders took place online on June 15, 2021, in Tulcea, Romania starting at 10:00 on the Zoom meeting platform. The events were… Continue Reading…